
Jan 24, 2016

of how to lao yusheng (捞起魚生) like a boss

Good illustration of what each ingredient in the yusheng mean from

Step 1: All at the table / Ready to begin
Words: 恭喜发财 / 万事如意

Step 2: Adding in raw fish
Words: 年年有馀

Step 3: Adding pomelo or lime to the raw fish
Words: 大吉大利

Step 4: Sprinkling pepper & cinnamon powder
Words: 招财进宝

Step 5: Pouring oil / plum sauce over ingredients
Words: 一本万利 / 财原广进

Step 6: Adding shredded carrot to the raw fish
Words: 鸿运当头

Step 7: Adding shredded green radish to the raw fish
Words: 青春常住

Step 8: Adding shredded white radish to the raw fish
Words: 步步高升

Step 9: Pouring peanut crumbs and sesame seeds
Words: 金银满屋 / 生意兴隆

Step 10: Throwing in deep-fried flour crisps
Words: 满地黄金

Step 11: All to toss the salad an auspicious 7 times with shouts of “lo hei” and other auspicious wishes.
Words: 捞起

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