
Apr 19, 2005

of cyblog names

I was trying out CyborgName on some blogger names. Hope you all don't mind hor. Here's the list of CyBlog names:

A.C.I.D.F.L.A.S.K. - Artificial Cybernetic Individual Designed for Fighting/Lifeform Assembled for Sabotage and Killing

A.G.E.N.T.X. - Artificial General Exploration and Nocturnal Troubleshooting Xenomorph

A.H.N.I.N.E. - Artificial Humanoid Normally for Infiltration and Nocturnal Exploration

B.A.L.L.O.F.Y.A.R.N. - Biomechanical Artificial Lifeform Limited to Observation/Functional Ytterbium Android Responsible for Nullification

C.O.W.B.O.Y.C.A.L.E.B. - Construct Optimized for Worldwide Battle and Observation/Ytterbium Cybernetic Android Limited to Exploration and Battle

I.Z.R.E.L.O.A.D.E.D. - Intelligent Zealous Repair and Exploration Lifeform/Obedient Android Designed for Efficient Destruction

J.I.M.S.B.L.O.G. - Journeying Intelligent Machine Skilled in Battle/Lifeform Optimized for Gratification

J.U.I.C.Y.P.O.U.T. - Journeying Unit Intended for Calculation and Yelling/Person Optimized for Ultimate Troubleshooting

M.I.S.S.Y.C.L.A.R.I.S. - Machine Intended for Sabotage and Scientific Yelling/Cybernetic Lifelike Android Responsible for Infiltration and Sabotage

M.R.B.R.O.W.N. - Mechanical Robotic Being Responsible for Observation and Worldwide Nullification

M.R.M.I.Y.A.G.I. - Mechanical Robotic Machine Intended for Yelling/Android Generated for Infiltration

S.A.N.G.S.A.R.A. - Synthetic Android Normally for Galactic Sabotage/Artificial Robotic Android

S.H.I.A.N.U.X. - Synthetic Hydraulic Individual Assembled for Nullification and Ultimate Xenocide

S.O.L.S.E.T.U.R. - Synthetic Obedient Lifeform Skilled in Exploration/Technician Used for Repair

W.O.N.K.Y.T.O.N.G. - Worker Optimized for Nocturnal Killing and Yelling/Technician Optimized for Nocturnal Gratification

Z.H.I.Y.A.N.G. - Zeta Hydraulic Individual Yearning for Assassination and Nocturnal Gratification


  1. im a sabotage-r! -.-" but sabo-ing aint my forte leh..

  2. "limited to observation"? Damn I sound so impotent.

  3. what about yours?

    L.A.N.C.E.R.L.O.R.D.: Lifeform Assembled for Nocturnal Calculation and Exploration/Robotic Lifeform Optimized for Repair and Destruction

    the only thing that i understand is that i am nocturnal..that's all...kekeke...

  4. S.O.L.S.E.T.U.R. - Synthetic Obedient Lifeform Skilled in Exploration/Technician Used for Repair

    aiyoh. actually, its quite true. I'm a dumbo cannot-break-rules person and also my friends' 24/7 IT helpdesk. and most of the time i have no prior experience relating to their weird IT problems so i'm just trying my luck and exploring their problems.

    but I am 100% real! not synthetic!! i have no implants! (hur hur)

  5. I like mine! Nocturnal Killing and Gratification sounds like me alright!

  6. thanks so much for revealing my secret identity. all your galaxy are belong to me now!

  7. claris: you can be sabo queen :)

    ballofyarn: You see only. Cannot touch.

    agentx: Me slightly nocturnal also.

    solsetur: So if my computer breaks down, I send to you?

    anna: You another nocturnal person. Think alot of us like that right?

    brandon: I'm scared...Kena controlled. Your wish is my command.

  8. im so ....nocturnal! hehehehehehe

  9. ah 9, most of us nocturnal. bloggers all like that isit?
    Get well soon.


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