
Jul 16, 2005

of half-blood eeeee book

Harry Potter book is out. Go buy it. Do not download the e-book. (See update note below)

Update: According to Trompe L'oeil's source, the e-book is a fake. It was written sometime last year by someone who followed Rowling's style closely.


  1. err...why shouldn't we download the e-book..?

  2. Aiyah... already downloaded...

  3. Costing 19.95 EU here, I rather buy it back home :)

    But your link is really useful eh..thanks :)

  4. ball.of.yarn: err...Buy or download, up to you. Whichever is convenient and economical. kekeke...

    the diva: Aiyah tell don't download, you download. Bad girl, bad girl... :)

    agent x: Welcome. So you download and buy also? Books there are very ex.

  5. Anonymous17 July, 2005

    alamak..i already kena 'spoiled' by some idiot on the net. But would definitely still buy the book. Gonna get it later.

  6. I had thought there was a virus or something embedded in it. Was puzzled, "why did lancerlord want to do that?" :)

  7. hahahah...thank U! now no need to beg it off someone! :)

  8. Anonymous17 July, 2005

    Dunno what's the hype leh, with all the queuing up and stuff. I went to the shop this morning and a big whole stack was left on the shelf, untouched. Buy a day or so later won't die one ...

    I *ahem* didn't* *ahem* download, yar... ;-p

  9. angelia: That's why don't download mah. Those want to kena spoil can download. Those don't want go buy. :)

    ball.of.yarn: Cannot be too explicit. Must show the "download it, go against it" pattern. kekeke...

    ang ku kueh: Welcome. Need to beg one meh?

    bohemialisa: Buy the book on the first day got magic hidden in the book. Good that *ahem* you *ahem* didn't *ahem* download. :)

  10. I hope JK Rowling's lawyer does not see this link. If you kena sue, you may have to change your name to ProtonSagaLord.

  11. lancerlord! fake one fake one. i have a friend who said this ebook came out sometime last year, written by someone who followed Rowling's style closely.

    seems like we've gotten all excited for nothing.

  12. minority man: Hope not leh. I close blog now. kekeke....

    ball.of.yarn: Cheh! Kena bluff!

  13. wahaha.. obi obi.. how dare you spoil my sales.. :p

  14. chocolove: dun worry. fake one fake one. Anyways, I bought 2 yesterday. So help boosted your sales by 0.00000002%. :) Compared the book with the e-book. From head to tail, story is different.

  15. Anonymous18 July, 2005

    Heng ah.... didn't download it. *oops*

  16. wah seh.. 2? Expect a dozen.. waahaa.. U bought both the covers ah? Or Uk and US versions.. Me kaypo

  17. oh, and just to add on...i dropped by Borders to flip thru the first few pages (to confirm the e-version is really fake). scarly give wrong information.

    I guess it will take 3...4 days at least? Even for the fastest typist out there to punch out the complete e-text.;)

  18. jaywalk: you heng ah. Some more the download quite slow.

    chocolove: Bought 2 same ones. One for sis-in-law. I not sure which is which. I bought the colorful cover one.

    ball.of.yarn: kekeke...I also checked liaoz. Dun worry. I verified for you liaoz :)

  19. "Think" the e-book out liaoz - 827 pages, 20 chapters. Yahoo Auction. $1 or $2.

  20. sorry, typo error earlier, it's 30 chapters.

  21. the spear carrier: out liaoz mehz? *act blur* :)


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