
Jul 14, 2005

of stuff n such - 14.07.05

Multi Thomas: Cool video editing. [via Utterly Boring]

Origami Database: Gallery of downloadable origami diagrams. [via LinkFilter]

Celebrity Look-A-Likes: Looks the same. [via MetaFilter]

Fireworks War: Fight with pyrotechnic. [via boing boing]

Office Bow Of Death: How to construct a functional bow out of office stationary. [via Look At This]

Fox Hat: Video. Where the f2ck's that? [via Utterly Boring]

Rotobo: Try this game. Follow the arrows. Keep jumping until you reach the target.

Metro Logos: Logos of metro around the world. Singapore's MRT included.

Song Of The Day: Simple Plan-Shut Up

Scary sign. [via Elaine]


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