
Jan 4, 2008

of breaking news: britney spears taken to hospital

Britney's Breakdown: Britney Spears was rushed to Cedars Medical Center after a stand-off with police. Britney had a emotional meltdown and she refused to hand over custody of her kids to Kevin Federline's bodyguard. The police were called in and later K-Fed showed up. This whole episode lasted almost 4 hours.

Now the kids are back with K-Fed and Britney is hospitalised to be closely monitored. -

britney spears hospital
Photo of Britney wheeled out in a gurney taken by TMZ.

Click here to watch a very good compilation of news reports of the Britwreck at TMZ.
Click here to watch Britney stretchered out at PerezHilton.

britney spears trainwreck
Photo by PerezHilton.

Both TMZ and PerezHilton has good coverage of the pandemonium outside Britney Spears' residence.

TMZ Coverage:
- Cops Called to Brit's House for "Custody Dispute"
- More Cops, Ambulance Now at Spears' House!
- Brit's Kids Are Safe, She's Under the Influence!
- Jayden Taken to the Hospital Too
- Brit's Men Rush to the Hospital
- Pandemonium Outside Brit's Madhouse
- Britney Wheeled Out on a Gurney!!

PerezHilton Coverage:
- The Cops At Britney Spears' House!!!!
- Family Custodial Dispute At Spears Residence!
- Paramedics At Britney's House!
- The Fallout
- Britney To Be Rushed To The Hospital?????!!!!
- Blame Drugs!!! Britney Under The Influence!!!!!!
- It's Official!!!!
- Britney's Breakdown
- K-Fed Arrives At The Hospital
- Those Poor Kids!
- Britney's Dad At Hospital!
- Britney's Condition
- Small Fry Rushed To The Emergency Room Via Ambulance Too!
- The Money Shot


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