Ever since Minister Mentor "Lee Kuan Yew" started twittering, his son and our very own Prime Minister himself "Lee Hsien Loong" has also followed his father's twittering footsteps.
And they are good at it.
Here's the conversation between son and lao peh.
LHL: Daddy? I found you!
LKY: babylee!?! what are you doing here!!
LHL: Daddy...somebody is following me on Twitter...should I be concerned? someone @mbsullivan
LKY: can you don't ask stupid questions? don't embarrass me. the whole world can read this, for God's sake.
LHL: Daddy...you don't believe in God...can you please not use His name in vain? Mommy won't like it...please...?
LKY: I am just going to ignore that. anyway.I think Twitter is too complicated for you. are you following me?
LHL: thanks for warning me about Twitter, Daddy!! I was going to ask you about what to do regarding Mas Selamat!
LKY: I was going to ask you about that myself. WTH is Ah Wong talking about? Mas Selamat landed on toilet paper?? http://is.gd/8wS
LHL: urr...Daddy..must we really talk about this here...?
LKY: and look at this! "it's happened. what to do?" you sound like an auntie in the market!!! http://is.gd/8wU idiot!
LHL: what do you want me to do Daddy!! the reporters just cornered me! and I had to say something!
LKY: you idiots are bent on embarrassing me. the sultan saw me this morning at the hallway and smirked at me. nobody smirks at me!
LHL: : ((((( when are you coming back Daddy? we miss you here at home...
LKY: shut up. you just don't know how to run the country without me. I'll come soon. what are you doing now?
LHL: I'm in the car...going to meet Uncle Nathan. you?
LKY: oh tell Nathan I said hi. bye.
LHL: I will Daddy...bye. love you, Daddy!!!
LKY: yah ok
LKY: ah. it's been hardly 5 minutes since I woke up and I've already declared a new meal time. I feel good.
LHL: daddy? I'm worried. we were talking about Mas Selamat so openly here...won't Singaporeans be upset with us?
LKY: don't worry...they all think I'm just an imposter. read this guy's website http://theory.isthereason.c...
LHL: HAHA! Daddy's you're so smart!!
LKY: ah yes. it's too bad it hasn''t rubbed off on you.
[via moby]
Apr 26, 2008
of lee hsien loong is also twittering
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And it seems that LKY is not on twitter and facebook only...he's been blogging here too...
using the name of "the old man" he talks about his daily life and his plan for his retirement! LOL
peaktoosoon: this old man is everywhere. :)