
Apr 25, 2008

of singapore is not in the 5 best mass transit systems in the world

Environmental Grafitti writes a post that listed the 5 best Mass Transit Systems in the world. It places Hong Kong as the best ahead of New York, London, Paris and Chicago. The post posted yesterday has since attracted 160 over comments. Most of them debating the choice of the 5 listed. Some even recommending other systems.

There are many, Singaporeans as well as non-Singaporeans, who voiced out that Singapore should also be in the list.

singapore should be included. getting around in singapore, is very easy and convenient. Their train and bus system are linked. ~ indra

Singapore is world renowned for its clean and efficient mass-rapid systems. Automatic driverless trains and suberbly designed stations all add to the experience. How they are not included in this list is a mystery. ~ Bjorn

How could you miss Singapore or Tokyo? I agree that Chicago should not be here, having also ridden in Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Chicago and Southern California. ~ BillinSD

Very offside list: Madrid, Seoul, Taipei, Singapore, Many cities in Germany, Scandinavia … Chicago doesn’t belong, New York could maybe justify 5th… ~ Duncan

You forgot Singapore. ~ X

I don’t think these should be known as the Best Mass Transit Systems in the World. Perhaps, you may want to change the title to Busiest Mass Transit Systems instead. If I were to acknowledge the title of this post, I would simply say there are several more other countries that can be comparable, e.g. Singapore, Germany, China, etc. ~ Keith

I’ve not been to Chicago or Paris, but I can confidently say that the inefficiency, stench, and overall degeneration of the London Tube and NY subway removes them from this list. If the criteria to be on this list was passenger traffic, then by all means keep them on (though you’re missing Tokyo then).If you’re talking about a pleasant experience, with clear signs, absolute cleanliness, 3 minutes or less waiting times, and general safety, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Singapore can’t be beat. ~ Keiyu

You obviously have never experienced the pleasures of the Singapore mass rapid transit system. It’s awesome. ~ NightStalker

Surely Singapore’s SMRT system has to be in the top 5 somewhere, if not number 2 behind Hong Kong. I think an evaluation of the best mass transit system should also taken into account reliability and safety (ie. crime) as well. ~ Christopher Chan

I have been on the top three: Hong Kong, London and New York. The top three is spot on. I currently live in Singapore and I think Singapore should be 4 or 5. If for nothing else than for being the cleanest and best maintained system around. Oh yes.. average daily traffic is over 1.5million.Also, what happened to Tokyo? ~ Joe@Singapore

Did you think about Singapore? Taipei? and Many of the other European cities all equipped with metro systems? Many of those are more efficient than our systems at new york and chicago (say for example an approximation of when the next train will arrive). And don’t forget the behemoth known as Moscow…which has built the largest and busiest metro system because the idea of mass public transport was so romantic to the utilitarian communists in command at the time. And Tokyo too! ~ Ben

Having travelled on NY, London, and Paris. I would say that Tokyo beats at least those three. Now that they have passmo (same as octopus in Hong Kong) the problems of different companies have disappeared. Also I think Singapore takes some beating too. ~ Paul Sinclair

I come from Chicago and have been on all the above, BUT!!!I now live in Singapore AND IT’S the best!Cheers1 ~ singha

singapore’s mrt system is really good too. ~ person

Hong Kong is by far the best. I’ve been to Tokyo and even though they do serve more people the quality and of the public transportation means are better. As for Singapore I agree they have a really good system… It’s just that some stations are old =P ~ Peter
But the most 'fierce' comment would be from Lip Jin
Okay. This just made me laugh.

Background: I’m Singaporean, studied at the University of Chicago and working in Hong Kong now. I visit New York often (because my gf is there) and Chicago has to be the fucking WORSE public transport system in the world.

Paris was nice: The RER was pretty good, but I rank Vienna/Frankfurt/Berlin much higher than Paris.

No Tokyo/Singapore/Vienna/Frankfurt? You must be kidding me. These places outrank Chicago by a mile. Paris works ok, when you don’t have the French going on a strike.

My top 5 would be:
5) Frankfurt
4) Singapore
3) Tokyo
2) New York - just for sheer convenience
1) Hong Kong


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