
May 8, 2008

of class 95 calls for fines for cat feeders

Class 95 calls for fines for cat feeders by the Unofficial Cat Welfare Society Diary.
Just got word today from an ex-committee member who said that her mum heard the Class 95FM’s Morning show. DJs, Glenn Ong and Flying Dutchman were talking about stray cats again. This time, they compared feeding of stray cats to the feeding of monkeys. They added that cat feeders should be fined heavily as their monkey feeders counterparts. The DJs also said they have seen people feeding many cats and stray cats mess up the rubbish bin and leave their poo around. They were inviting listeners to send in sms or call in till 10am today (7 May). CWS is drafting a letter to the local press to address this issue.
This triggered meowberry of CLessThanThreeC to vent her frustration.
It doesn't take a fool to realise that we shouldn't feed the monkeys because they are meant to live as wild animals in the nature reserves, where they should get their sustenance from. Our stray cats are not wild animals, they're domestic cats, many of which have been abandoned by irresponsible people. The cats live among us in our urban jungle.. If you see a stray cat looking in a rubbish bin, it's because it's hungry and has no where else to get food.


  1. Found your post from

    Thank you for helping to spread the word on this :) The cats need people to speak up for them.

  2. Lancerlord rulezzzzzzzzzz

  3. Our cats are local yes. but they are hardly domesticated.

  4. Anonymous09 May, 2008

    So its perfectly fine to leave food lying in the streets for "ghosts" and other such nonsense, but to leave food for living things is wrong? what a disgrace. Every year i see food lying everywhere that ghosts have neglected to eat (or maybe they just dont wanna eat oranges and steamed buns). yet whatever food is left for cats is eaten straight away. if you are worried about mess, i suggest you turn your attention to the assholes that drop litter from their windows because they are too lazy to walk 3 metres to a dustbin. i'm pretty sure the tissue paper, sanitary pads, cotton buds etc that litter my void deck werent left behind by cats. given the choice between saving a cats life or anyone from mediacorps, i'd take the cat everytime. s for these 2 DJ's (and i hate to use the word DJ because DJ's dont actually exist in singapore..only whores hawking products and playing a few crappy records inbetween the next bit of prostitution..get some cocking self respect man) i think they should both be spayed as soon as humanly possible for the sake of our gene pool.


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