Photo of the Singapore Salon store via Yahoo! Local
When police raided an Arlington Heights salon on Thursday and arrested six people for prostitution, they probably weren't all that surprised.Those charged were Kil Sun Fara (the salon's owner), Matthew H. Mitchell (charged with patronizing a prostitute), Christian R. Falster (charged with soliciting for a prostitute), Min Soon Rockwood (charged with prostitution), Christina Yu (charged with prostitution) and Se Hi Park (charged with prostitution).
In 2001, the same salon - Singapore Salon, 308 E. Golf Road - was raided and the same salon manager - Kil Sun Fara - was arrested. Fara was also arrested for prostitution in 1997.
On Thursday, six people received various prostitution charges after an undercover sting at around 5 p.m. at the salon located in the International Plaza, said Cmdr. Ken Galinski of the Arlington Heights Police Department.

Photos of Se Hi Park, Christina Yu and Kil Sun Fara

Photos of Matthew H. Mitchell, Min Sun Rockwood and Christian R. Falster.
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