Up and coming actor Lee Eon passed away in a motorcycle accident early this morning on August 21. He was coming back from a wrap-up party for his recent drama Strongest Chilwoo when he crashed into a guard rail. He was not breathing when the police found him at the scene and was rushed to the hospital. However, the doctors were not able to resuscitate him. According to police reports, the accident occurred when Lee Eon was attempting to change lanes as the road changed from 2 lanes to 1.Photos of the accident site in Hanam-dong can be found here.

Other links:
- 《咖啡王子1号店》帅店员李言遭遇车祸身亡(图)
- Breaking news: Lee Eon dies in accident
- eric“李言死了”…得知李言死亡消息“茫然自失”
- 《咖啡王子》李言车祸身亡

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