
Nov 29, 2008

of mumbai attack photos (nsfw)

Mumbai under attack
Late Wednesday night, Mumbai, India found itself the target of a ferocious terrorist attack, and the situation remains unresolved even now, three days later. According to reports, upwards of 60 young men entered Mumbai in small inflatable boats on Wednesday night, carrying bags filled with weapons and ammunition, and spread out to nine locations to begin their attacks. Lobbing grenades and firing their weapons, they entered hotels, a railway station and several other buildings, killing scores and wounding even more. As of this moment, the identity of the attackers has yet to be definitively determined, though there are reports indicating some of the gunmen were Pakistani - at least nine of them have been killed, nine more arrested. As of this writing, there were a reported 151 people killed from 11 different countries - though nearly 100 were Indian. More than 300 injuries have also been reported - those numbers may yet rise as several hostage situations still exist in the city. (35 photos total)

More photos.

1 comment:

  1. It's known that the last surviving terrorist is a young pakistani man... The extremist ideals had been absorbed into their culture especially their youth, that's why people in pakistan are often very violent and hostile... to those they deemed as "infidels"... They even behaved that way even outside their country... as well as in Singapore...

    I believe the most appropriate thing for our government is to expel all Pakistani Diplomats and all Pakistani nationals in order to send a strong message...

    After all, in Pakistan, if you do not retiliate after getting hit... you are asking for more because you are deemed as weak...Why? Simply because it is in their culture... To them weakness is a sin that needs to be punished...

    Let's hope our government can do more rather than sitting ducks...


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