
Jun 7, 2009

of couple finds cats in their kitchen ceiling

Ceiling Cat: Couple finds cats in their kitchen ceiling.

Last night when me and my girlfriend came home to our apartment at around 7pm, we heard some light meowing that sounded like it was really close. So we check the balcony, check outside to find the source but no luck. Meowing stops, so we go on with our daily routine.

2 hours later we hear some more meowing, check outside and balcony again. Still nothing. I listen a little closer and the sound seems to be coming from the kitchen ceiling. I disregard that possibility and we go to bed at about 11pm.

Now it's 1 in the morning and i hear frantic meowing from multiple cats. I get out of bed to investigate and find the source coming from the kitchen ceiling again! At this point it's impossible to ignore the noise.


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