Oct 9, 2009

of mazan abdul jawad, saudi man gets 5 years for boasting sex life on tv

Mazan Abdul Jawad, Saudi gets 5 years in jail for frank TV sex talk (VIDEO): Mazan Abdul Jawad, who was arrested in July this year after bragging about his sex life on television, was sentenced to five years in jail and given 1,000 lashes by a Saudi court for publicly talking about sex after he bragged on a TV talk show about his exploits. Mazan Abdul Jawad had appeared on the 15 July edition of "Bold Red Line", aired by the Lebanese channel Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation, LBC. In the program, Abdul-Jawad was dubbed a "sex braggart" and "Casanova" and he talks freely about sex stuff like having sex at 14 and sex toys. Watch the video at the bottom.

Mazen Abdul Jawad [photo via]
A Saudi court on Wednesday convicted a man for publicly talking about sex after he bragged on a TV talk show about his exploits, sentencing him to five years in jail and 1,000 lashes, his lawyer said.

Talking about sex publicly is a taboo in ultraconservative Saudi Arabia.

Lawyer Sulaiman al-Jumeii said he plans to appeal the court's ruling and is confident the sentence against his client, which includes a ban on travel and talking to the media for five years after his release, will be revoked.

The lawyer said there is no specific law in the Saudi penal code "that defines punishment for talking or bragging." He said he assumes the judge based his decision on Islamic law, which forms the general basis of the justice system and stipulates that people should not talk about engaging in immoral behavior.

Al-Jumeii maintains that his client, Mazen Abdul-Jawad, was duped by the Lebanese LBC satellite channel which aired the talk show and was unaware in many cases he was being recorded.

Click to watch the video

From wikipedia,
Abdul-Jawad is a 32-year-old sales clerk for Saudi Airlines and a divorced father of four. He appeared on the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation satellite TV program Bold Red Line on July 15, 2009, and discussed his personal sexual exploits. On the show, Jawad talked about having sex at the age of 14 with a neighbour and picking up women using the Bluetooth function on his cellphone (as they are forbidden to interact with men in public), and revealed a recipe for an aphrodisiac. The program also showed Abdul-Jawad leading viewers into his bedroom, dominated by red accessories, and showing off sex toys, which were blurred for viewing. Later, three male friends join him for a discussion on what turns them on.


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