
Dec 19, 2011

of north korean leader kim jong il dies

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has died at the age of 69. His death was initially caused by fatigue. A later report said that it was due to a heart attack while traveling by train.

His designated successor is believed to be his third son, Kim Jong-un.

Read more (North Korean leader Kim Jong Il dies)

Kim Jong-il reportedly passed away in Pyongyang at 8:30 a.m. on December 17. A video has been released showing a woman announcing the death of Kim Jong-il to North Korea.

Read more (Kim Jong-il Died Of Fatigue: Video Announcement From North Korea)

Watch North Korean TV Announces Kim Jong-il's Death

Watch The death of North Korea Kim Jong-il obituary 金正日逝世讣告

Kim Jong-il, also written as Kim Jong Il, birth name Yuri Irsenovich Kim (according to wikipedia) [photo via chosun]
김정일 북한 국방위원장(70)이 사망했다. 1994년 김일성 주석 사후 17년만이고, 1974년 후계자로 공식화된 지 37년만이다.

북한 중앙통신은 19일 낮 12시 특별방송을 통해 “김 위원장이 2011년 12월 17일 오전 8시30분 현지 지도의 길을 이어가다가 겹쌓인 정신육체적 과로로 하여 열차에서 사망했다”고 전했다.


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