
Oct 7, 2012

of beer company releases beer made with real bull testicles

Denver's Wynkoop Brewing Company will debut their Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout beer which is made with real bull testicles.
Yes, the beer was inspired by our April Fools spoof video this spring, in which we claimed to have released a beer made with bull testicles.

Why actually make such a meaty treat? Months after doing the video (the idea for which hit me while sampling Odell Brewing’s recent and very delicious oyster stout for Jax restaurants), we and our fans are still laughing. Very important, that laughing.

We’ve also met folks around the country who saw the spoof and loved it. (Hello Hawaii!)

Plus, when we sent out the press release and the video link last April, we heard from brewers and beer writers who thought the beer was for real and loved the idea. They wanted samples. So did many patrons who came to the pub to try the beer.

So we’ve turned our joke into a reality.

Read more (Wynkoop Brewing Company Releases Bull Testicle Beer: Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout, For Real This Time)


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