
Oct 5, 2013

of the reno guru, video by carpenters singapore

A 4-part video put together by Carpenters Singapore.

A special production from Carpenters. It is a series of short, funny and entertaining clips of how renovation process can go out of hand. Featuring Alloyious as Francis Poh, the renovation guru, a contractor you wish you will never meet him. Weny as Jane, showing her extremely bad experiences with the Guru, and how innocently she step into her trap after engaging him as her contractor. At the end of each clip, we will summarise on the lesson learnt and tips on how to prevent these situations from occurring on consumers.

Interior Design Singapore - Carpenters Part 1

Interior Design Singapore - Carpenters Part 2

Interior Design Singapore - Carpenters Part 3

Interior Design Singapore - Carpenters Part 4

*note: All scenes have been exaggerated for the comedy effect, all characters in the video bears no affiliation to anyone living. Any similarities are pure coincidence.

The Reno Guru


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