The item in question: an "extruder" tool included in Play-Doh's $20 Sweet Shoppe Cake Mountain Playset. Some parents are complaining that the device, intended for squeezing out icing onto a toy cake, resembles a penis.
Parents upset over penis-shaped Play-Doh toy
Parents are hopping mad about a Play-Doh accessory that sounds and kind of looks like a very uncomfortable plastic dildo. What, the parents wonder, are they supposed to tell their kids when they ask why the toy is shaped like a big hard dick with an honest-to-goodness coronal ridge? Won't somebody thing of the goddamn children?

Play-Doh Ruins Childhood With Dick-Shaped 'Extruder' Toy

Is that a dil-doh? Parents rage on Facebook at Play-Doh toy that looks a little like a penis
I dunno if anyone else follows Play-Doh on Facebook but you should cause they're doing some serious damage control
— El Clarko (@Fatgoldfish4) December 29, 2014
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