Tensions have been high between New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYPD officers for weeks, but the hostility finally reached a boiling point on Saturday evening after two cops were gunned down in an execution-style ambush. As DeBlasio entered the hospital to speak to the families of the officers who had been shot, a room full of officers literally turned their backs on him. The incident was caught on a cell phone camera, according to New York's PIX11, and quickly went viral.
Wenjian Liu (left) and Rafael Ramos (right)
Liu had reportedly just gotten married, with his new wife going to the hospital before doctors officially announced his death. Ramos has a 13-year-old son, as well as another son in college, and just celebrated his 40th birthday.
NYPD Officers Turn Their Backs On Bill de Blasio When He Enters Room (Video)
VIDEO: NYPD officers turn away from Mayor de Blasio as he enters police presser for murdered cops
Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, 28, shot his former girlfriend in Baltimore County, Maryland, at 5.45am on Saturday morning then travelled 190 miles to Brooklyn, New York. There, he fired a fatal round of bullets at recently-married officer Wenjian Liu and father-of-one Rafael Ramos - before turning the gun on himself.

Two New York policemen executed in broad daylight by man who shot his girlfriend before bragging on Instagram that he was going to get revenge for deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown
These officers were killed while protecting the community they served. I pray for their families ! #NYPDLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/0K8ijPFsgi
— Jonas Christensen (@JonasChr88) December 21, 2014
NYPD Officers TURN THEIR BACK TO Mayor De Blasio As He Enters Police Press Conference
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