Why are you called what you are called? The story behind your blog name.
What is yours?
Sep 24, 2005
of nicknames
About the Author

We are a gang of four. I hope you enjoy our blog. You can also subscribe to our feed. Happy reading.
We are a gang of four. I hope you enjoy our blog. You can also subscribe to our feed. Happy reading.
Mine is pretty simple and straight forward that it doesn't warrant a blog entry of its own (in other words, too short to write lah).
ReplyDeleteJayWalk. The chronicles of Jay (that's me!) and his daily Walk on the path of life.
I also have a sub-Nick in case you haven't noticed it in my URL as well as the end of every post.
Voxeros = Vox (Voice) + Eros (Passion)
Oh i like this! It should be a meme. I'm intrigued by some of the blog names i come across...
ReplyDeleteLancerlord, you never share yours.
My favourite colour is apple green, as simple or rather MUNDANE as that. :)
jaywalk: hee hee. Didn't noticed that.
ReplyDeletea crunchy green apple: shared-ded already.
Got mine from watching the straydog staring at me in Thailand. Something in his eyes.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Lancerlord, what happens when you change cars?
Mine used to be Laughingcowcheese, just because I was eating some when I wanted a username for a new Hotmail account (many years ago). But then when I used Diary-X, the name was too long, so I shortened it to Laughingcow and it has stuck ever since. :) Coincidentally, my friends were calling me a cow before that (appetite-related or something), so I guess it's fitting. :)
ReplyDeletestraydog: Change to another lancer or change to a diff one and pretend that I still own the same old lancer.
ReplyDeletelaughingcow: 'laughing' indicates that you are a happy person.
ReplyDeleteThe origin of my nick came about during primary school, a time when all of us were required to wear name tags and the han yu pin yin version of my name came out to be Li Zeen (they really should have put an apostrophe before the last two letters). This naturally led to people all over calling me "Zeen". Later, while trying to think of a really good handle (you know how hard that is) that is unique yet relevant, i adapted it and "zeenie" was born. Been using it since the days of ICQ. LOL
zeenie: Zeen sounds cool. lean mean zeenie machine. muahahaha...
ReplyDeleteand then i had to name my dog jeanie.... LOL
ReplyDeletejeanie's lean mean zeenie machine
Waaaaah my tongue kana twisted...
ReplyDeleterationalneurotic: cos I swing in between the 2 extremes.. haha
ReplyDeletezeenie: Ha!
ReplyDeletebrian: Pronounce 'celticbiohazard' also can sometimes twist my tongue. My england not powder. :)
the rational neurotic: Morning 1 extreme, afternoon the other? :)