Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew said Singapore could move into the upper half of First World nations in the next 10 to 20 years...He said: "It is in our interest to make them feel welcomed, and to integrate them into our community, because they are the extra megabytes in our computer. The Singaporeans form the hard disk whether it's 5 gigabyte or whatever, you need this extra megabyte to be able to cope with all the expansion which we are now experiencing."
In Minister Mentor's message, he referred foreign talent as "extra megabytes" and Singaporeans as the "hard disk". But we, only a 5GB hard disk?
In the fast-paced computer world when we are talking about terabytes, 5GB is definitely small.
I guess he was using 5 because of our population and using gigabytes because we are a tiny island.
From today's Strait Times article
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