
Jan 19, 2008

of marcos baghdatis defiant over anti-turkish chant video

Marcos Baghdatis defiant over anti-Turkish chant video: Marcos Baghdatis today refused to apologise after a video emerged showing him chanting anti-Turkish slogans with the Greek supporters’ group involved in crowd trouble at the Australian Open on Tuesday. [photo link]

Click here to watch the video. Baghdatis, a Greek Cypriot, is shown chanting Anti-Turkish slogans ("Turks Out of Cyprus") and some racist chants against the Macedonians at a barbecue held by the Hellas Fan Club, whose members had a scuffle with police earlier on 15th January at Margret Court Arena.

In a statement, Baghdatis said,
In that video from 2007 I was supporting the interest of my country, Cyprus, while protesting against a situation that is not recognized by the United Nations. Now I would like to concentrate on the tournament and ask everyone to respect that. I love the Australian Open and want to do well here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God we have someone like Marcos Baghdatis to bring the Cyprus issue to front line news, Shame to all the United Nations members and especially NATO members and more recently European Union for not condoning the illegal occupation of Northern Cyprus by Turkish Forces for over 33 years. If Turkish Cypriots want to be recognized by other nations, they should tell Ankara to withdraw all Turkish Forces followed by the returning of the land to their rightful owners Greek and Turkish Cypriots.
    Many Turks will say that Cyprus belongs to them because of the Ottoman Empire, Still 400 years of occupation 82% of the population held on to its Greek roots, were is the Democratic right for this people in the 21st Century? How can anyone trust the Turkish ideology? I do not hate Turks, I just don’t accept their foreign policy.

    In recent weeks alone Turkey has bombarded Kurdish minorities in eastern Turkey, should Greek Cypriots do the same to the Turkish Cypriot minorities.
    The main reason Cyprus independence in 1960 did not work.
    Turkish Cypriots would reject anything they saw not suitable; No Country can govern like that allowing a 18% minority telling the majority how to live is that Democracy

    I was born in Kyrenia grew up in Agios Ambrosios, and came to Sydney Australia 1 month after the war in 1974. Although I left when I was 10 years old, I will never forget the natural beauty of Northern Cyprus. Both my father and grandfather interacted through their business with Turkish-Cypriots and never had any issues before 1974. All our problems were imported from England, America, Turkey and Greece ( Foreign Policies on Cyprus ) With friends like that who needs enemies!!!

    Can their be lasting peace in Cyprus.

    Yes only with brave leaders from both the Greek and Turkish communities to make realistic decisions for the People Plus True support from England, America, Turkey and Greece.

    Everybody is welcome to visit Cyprus you will be surprised.

    Without prejudice

    Terry Tsangaris


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