
Nov 29, 2011

of janice koh volunteers herself to be arts nominated member of parliament (nmp)

Stage and television actress Janice Koh, who acted in The Pupil and Fighting Spiders, has put herself as a possible nominee arts Nominated Member of Parliament.

[photo via FLY Entertainment]

Read more (Wanted: Arts NMP! Janice Koh puts her name down!)

Janice Koh Facebook
Janice Koh (FLY Entertainment)

Janice wrote at the "Signatories for the next Arts NMP" facebook page
Hi everyone,

Just dropping a quick post here to clarify my position on the arts NMP situation. It was only in the last few days that it came to my attention that Audrey Wong would not be running a second term as NMP, and that new nominees would have to be put forward by 8 Dec if the arts community was still interested in fielding a representative in parliament. I've spoken to Audrey and Tarn How, who have been in touch with various individuals about running for this post, but it seems the take-up has been lukewarm. I do think it is important to have representation, and have only JUST decided to put myself forward as a possible nominee, in the event no one steps forward.

That is not to say I am stepping forward with reluctance. It just means I'm willing to start the ball rolling, and I really hope more potential candidates will step up with me, so that we can field some diverse individuals for the Parliamentary Select Committee to choose from. Hopefully, I will be one of many. So if anyone is interested in running for this seat or knows of potential people who can represent your views in parliament, please do so and spread the word. Time is of the essence, of course.

As for my own views on how I can contribute toward the various sectors of arts and media as NMP, I personally would like to build on the good work that Audrey has started, and will first have to find out from her about the concerns that have been raised so far. After which, I think it's important to have face-to-face sessions with the various art sectors. It's not so much about what the NMP can DO for the artists per se - I believe that's partly MICA/NHB/NAC's job and we shouldn't try to replicate them but to educate them. I think it's about how the NMP can make the our marginalized voices heard in parliament, to serve as a check on the work of the government that has impact on the cultural sector, and to be that cultural conscience for Singapore, which I find so lacking in the chamber.

Janice Koh

NMP Audrey Wong would not be running a second term as NMP

[photo via Facebook]

Ms Audrey Wong Wai Yen 黄渭莹 CV
Audrey Wong Facebook


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