
Apr 24, 2005

of climb up the ladder

I get all the crap!

What does this picture show?

Unfortunately in my company, I fall in the bottom category. After being hit by crysis, everything and everywhere has to cut cost. Fortunately my company has new projects flowing in. But due to those cost-cutting measures and little $$, my company has stopped hiring new staff. That means staff has different projects under his belt. This resulted in "overworked" situation. The amount of work each of us has is beyond our limits.

Yesterday, the Straits Times ran a report that showed the 10 best companies in Singapore to work for. The benefits are really good. But I wonder if their staff are taxed with too much work.

My company has tons of benefits that are equally good. Flex-hours, flexi points, insurance coverage, so on and so forth. But behind the scenes, the company is squeezing every cent that they pay us. So much so that we are working our bum-bums off.

But then fortunately, I still have a job. :)

Do you get all the crap at work?


  1. crysis! What a nice word.:)

  2. You know, when you start running a business like I do, you will end up performing a lot of roles.

    You need to be the boss, the accountant, the clerk, the marketing guy, the sales man, the IT man, .... heck you even have to be "The Crap" sometimes!


  3. Actually, I also fall into the lowest echelon in the company hierachy, so I can really understand your frustration of a penny pinching company. Then again, you can't blame them if it's a SME. Just imagine you're running the company yourself.

    By the way, you're doing Engineering right? Mechanical or electrical or what?

  4. ball.of.yarn: Can really cry in these situation. :)

    jaywalk: Cover mountain, cover ocean. kekeke....

    jayaxe: Neither. Am in the software line. :)

  5. errr... i guess i'm on the lowest branch of a tall tree..

    the benefits aint that great, but I don't get crapped on most of the time, so it's a fair trade I guess..

  6. I hear ya, LancerLord! I'm somewhere at the bottom rung myself.. though i'm trying find ways and means to burn the ladder down :)

  7. i think soon when i enter into work life, i'll be at bottom part too, taking in all the crap

  8. im right there at the bottom as well...not only do i get the shit...seems like im expected to clean up after others as well. Suxor.

    Good bosses breed contented workers. Bad bosses simply breeds comtempt.

  9. woof!: As long as you are given crap, then it's alright. :)

    eddie g: Not only chop the ladder. Also spread the workload. Job rotation.

    claris: Not all company's like that. Depends on your boss also. So how your audition go?

    ah 9: If bosses of bosses are bad, good bosses also turn bad. Like mine. Generally my bosses are good to me until they are pressured by the top.

  10. hallo! i don't subscribe to ST online, which were the 10 companies? Really curious.

  11. ci'en, I'll check when I get home tonight...provided the papers are still there. Get back to you later.


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