
Apr 24, 2005

of stuff n such - 24.04.05

StumbleUpon: A Firefox extension. Helps you find interesting webpages you wouldn't think to search for. [via Slippery Nipples]

A Door To Paradise: An online design contest by DesignBoom. Singapore has an entry submitted by Wong Kok Keong

Anagram Genius: Enter a word to find its anagram. Lancerlord = Collar nerd [via Abigael]

Guess the Google: Guessing game. [via MonkeyFilter]

Slick Dance Moves: Video showing guy dancing [via]

Crack Spackle: Farnie video. Putty to cover your butt crack. [via Milk and Cookies]

Star Wars Chocolate Mpire: M&M's chocolate Star Wars spoof. [via]

Miss Pole Idol UK: NSFW. Pole Dancing. Initially I thought it was Poland's American Idol. Watch this video segment from Oprah's show.

Race Day

Bottle Opener Slippers [via Gizmodo]
Can wear to Mohd Sultan or Beer Garden

1 comment:

  1. Aiyah, like that cannot wear to Mohd Sultan and beer garden liao. :(


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