
Aug 7, 2005

of stuff n such - 07.08.05

Sleeping Student Gallery: Gallery showing students sleeping in class. [via MonkeyFilter]

Stellure: Try different hairstyles online. For ladies only. [via Popgadget]

Shuttle Re-Entry: Cool flash to show a space shuttle's re-entry path. [via RobotWisdom]

Most Disturbing Product Poll: Compilation of creepy-ass products by Feministing.

String Spin: Click and draw your own rotating 3D drawing. [via LinkFilter]

Creep: Flash showing Radiohead's Creep. [via Juz A Gal]

Straight Line Designs: Cool unique furniture. [via GreenLamb]

Why Everything is 4?: How every word you type will eventually ends up to be 4. [via Every Litle Wonder]

Crochet My Crouch: I make and sell crocheted vulvas. My website does not contain nudity [via Idle Days]

Song Of The Day: Green Day-Wake Me Up When September Ends

3D "The Maid" poster [taken by O.E.B]

2 more days to go
Singapore Flag formed using chairs [taken by Waitee]


  1. Jezz, where did u get this The Maid picture? Quite eerie when I'm reading your blog so late at night!

  2. Lancer, the Why everything is Four link is really weird! haha. Did you try it yourself? It doesn't make any sense!

  3. beng: OEB took the photo one. I stole it. kekekeke...

    mr moron: It works for me. lancerlord=10=3=5=4. Meaning 'lancerlord' has 10 characters. 'ten' has 3 chars. 'three' has 5 chars. 'five' has 4 characters.

  4. saw that at plaza sing. i should upload the bloody poster they put at the end of the female toilet myself... freaked me out that one did.


  5. solsetur: Upload upload. I want to see!

  6. haha yah i uploaded almost immediately after i posted that comment. and incidentally, theres a small article about it in today's life section as well. did u see? apparently they have put up warning signs outside the toilets now


  7. solsetur: Oh yes. Saw it in the papers. Some got stolen right?


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