
Sep 29, 2012

of missing at fort siloso since 30 aug 2012

Watch the video below. Good one!

Watch Missing at Fort Siloso since 30 Aug 2012

Go play if you dare!

Spooktacular © 2012 Sentosa
19, 20, 26 - 28 Oct 2012, 7 - 11 pm, Fort Siloso.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous04 June, 2013

    Something for [url=][/url] Everyone at the ADAA Art Show ELLE
    Something for Everyone at the ADAA Art ShowMarch 2 6:21 PMby Johnny Misheff 0 Comments Diana A-Hadid's In Mortal Repose. Photo: Billy Farrel A packed and diverse crowd (if at first a tad heavy on the blue hairs who shelled out over $2,500 to get first dibs on the art) came out for last night's Art Dealer's Association of America (ADAA) event at the Park Avenue Armory.  They wandered throughout the space as the art world's version of March Madness—the Armory, the Independent and VOLTA fair—kicked into high gear. This year's iteration of The Art Show (now in its 23rd year) stars major galleries like Marianne Boesky, Robert Miller and The Pace Gallery, each of which will attempt to sell major works from artists representing a broad range of acclaim. At Marianne Boesky, the young and very buzzed about sculptress Diana Al-Hadid presented a haunting new work, an impressive departure from her massive alien cathedrals. The piece, titled In Mortal Repose and composed of concrete and bronze, dominates the entrance to the booth (and can be seen above). Two different galleries focused their attention on the mid-century's most celebrated photographers. [url=]cheap karen millen[/url]   To celebrate their 30th year of representing Diane Arbus, the Robert Miller gallery showed a knock out selection including some of Arbus' wildest moments like the iconic `Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park.'  Over at Pace/Macgill Gallery's booth, the wonderful world of Irving Penn is on view, featuring portraits of Jerome Robbins, Marcel Duchamp and Igor Stravinsky. L&M Arts was in a surreal mood with displays of Joseph Cornell's seminal shadow boxes and collages. A little further down Aisle C brought us to Michael Werner's booth, where the work of Enrico David can be found. David, an internationally renowned young artist, has an incredible way with words calling pieces things like `Self-Portrait in Response to Lack of Adequate Equipment (Night Version)' and `The Best Book About Pessimism I Ever Read.' He works in sculpture, drawings and installation, typically twisting and referencing traditional techniques. Over at D'Amelio Terras' booth, the work of Chloe Piene can be found in two forms: a sculpture depicting her favored subject, a human skull balancing precariously on its front teeth, and a drawing on vellum. At David Zwirner, Alice Neel's familiar paintings from the 60s are a welcome addition to the fair.   They're literally the first thing one sees upon entering the massive space. For $20, you can [url=]karen millen outlet online[/url] get in there and see everything for yourself—and the incredible mix guarantees something for everyone. The Art Show, organized by the Art Dealers Association of America to benefit the Henry Street Settlement, is on from March 2 through 6, 2011 at the Park Avenue Armory at 67th Street New York City Wednesday through Saturday, noon to 8PM and Sunday, noon to 6PM. Tags: Marianne Boesky diane arbus Art Dealers Association of America David Zwirner Joseph Cornell Robert Miller The Pace Gallery Alice Neel Diana Al-Hadid


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