Dec 14, 2011

of girls' guide on how to tame tiger mums

Two ten-year-old Beijing schoolgirls, Chen Leshui and Deng Xinyi, have written a guide ("Complete Book of Combat With Mum") to 'tame' Tiger Mum Amy Chua's "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother".

Tactic #17: After your mother has yelled at you, you can: Shout that you’re going to run away, take some things, run to the stairs, and run down crying. Style: Soft

Tactic #18: When your mother is yelling at you, you suddenly say: "May I go to the toilet? This way you can hide in the bathroom. Style: Sort of hard. Note: Best used sparingly.

Read more and see more photos (Girls' guide on how to tame Tiger mums)

1 comment:

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